Paintings Available for Sale

"Winter Watchers"
Mixed media and acrylic paint on canvas (framed)
16" x 20"
$895 + taxes

"Heavenly Innocents"
Painting (framed)
16" x 20"
$895 + taxes

"Her Majesty"
Mixed media and acrylic paint on canvas (framed)
20" x 28"
$1095 + taxes

"His Majesty"
Mixed media and acrylic paint on canvas (framed)
20" x 28"
$1095 + taxes

"Solitary Refinement"
Mixed media and acrylic paint on canvas (framed)
16" x 20"
$1095 + taxes

"High Flyin' Bird"
Mixed media collage on birch wood (gold cross, acrylic paint) 16" x 16"
Elton John/B. Taupin lyrics:
"You wore a little cross of gold around your neck
I saw it as you flew between my reason
Like a raven in the night- time when you left..."
$695 + taxes

"The Girl with Far Away Eyes"
Mixed media collage on birch wood
16" x 16"
M. Jagger/K.Richards lyrics:
"...And I was so pleased to be informed of this that I ran
20 red lights in his honor..."
$695 + taxes

"Spoke with the Tongue of Angels"
Mixed Media Collage on birch wood
Inspired by U2 (Bono) song lyrics:
..."I have spoke with the tongue of angels
I have held the hand of a devil
It was warm in the night
I was cold as a stone"...
$995 + taxes

"Native Innocence"
Mixed media on Arches Archival 150 lb. weight paper (includes frame with double matte)
30" x 22"
$1295 + taxes

"Canyon Colours 1"
Mixed media collage on upcycled cupboard door (acrylic paint, sand, found objects, and Tyvek)
$395 + taxes
(or 3 for $995)

"Canyon Colours 2"
Mixed media collage on upcycled cupboard door (acrylic paint, sand, found objects, and Tyvek)
$395 + taxes
(or 3 for $995)

"Canyon Colours 3"
Mixed media collage on upcycled cupboard door (acrylic paint, sand, found objects, and Tyvek)
$395 + taxes
(or 3 for $995)

"Beauty in the Badlands"
Mixed media collage on upcycled cupboard door (acrylic paint, sand, specialty rock, and Tyvek)
$295 + taxes

"Painted Canyon 1"
Mixed Media Collage on Upcycled Cupboard Door (Acrylic paint, sand, and Tyvek)
$295 + taxes
(or 2 for $595 + taxes)

"Painted Canyon 2"
Mixed Media Collage on Upcycled Cupboard Door (Acrylic paint, sand, and Tyvek)
$295 + taxes
(or 2 for $595 + taxes)

"Dragon's Back 1"
Mixed media collage on upcycled cupboard door (acrylic paint, sand, and Tyvek)
$695 + taxes
(or 2 for $1195)

"Dragon's Back 2"
Mixed media collage on upcycled cupboard door (acrylic paint, sand, and Tyvek)
$695 + taxes
(or 2 for $1195)

"Native Lullaby"
Mixed media on Arches archival 150 lb. weight paper (mounted on foamboard)
(Acrylic, crackle paste)
30" x 22"
$495 + taxes

"Knight Moves"
Mixed media on Arches archival 150 lb. weight paper (mounted on formboard) (Acrylic, sand)
30" x 22"
$495 + taxes

"Still Going Deep"
Mixed media on Arches archival 150 lb. weight paper (mounted on foamboard ready for framing)
30" x 22"
$495 + taxes

"Curious Innocents"
Acrylic paint on Arches archival 150 lb. weight paper
30" x 22"
$495 + taxes

"Chief Iron Fist Warm Heart"
Mixed media on wood panel
16" x 16"
$495 + taxes

"Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide,
No escape from reality." Queen
Mixed media on wood panel
$295 + taxes

"She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not"
Mixed media on Arches archival 150 lb. weight paper (acrylic and metallic webspray)
30" x 22"
$495 + taxes

Gouache, ink, markers, acrylic
22" x 30"
$495 + taxes

"A Road Less Traveled"
Acrylic paint on Arches archival 150 lb. weight paper 12" x 16"
$95 + taxes

"The Eyes are the Window to the Universe"
Mixed media collage with acrylic paint on masonite (framed)
12" x 12"
$195 + taxes

"If the Answer is in the Infinite Light, Why Do We Sleep in the Dark?"
Paul Simon lyrics
Mixed media collage with acrylic paint on masonite (framed)
12" x 12"
$195 + taxes

"What's Up"
Acrylic paint on coated masonite (framed)
12" x 12"
$95 + taxes

"Sandstorm Secrets"
Mixed media collage on Arches 150 lb. archival paper (framed)
16" x 12"
$195 + taxes

"Cross-Eyed Tiger"
Mixed media and acrylic paint on Arches 150 lb. wt. paper)
12" x 16"
$125 + taxes

"It's Only Rock & Roll But I like It Like It"
(Lyrics Mick Jagger)
Mixed media collage (framed)
16" x 16"
$295 + taxes

"Homage to Omaji"
Mixed media and acrylic paint on foamboard (framed)
12" x 16" framed
$295 + taxes